Enhance your view.
Stainless steel cable rail is the perfect option to enjoy the beautiful views that surround your home or business. With its sleek lines and minimal profile it allows you to enjoy the surrounding landscapes, virtually unobstructed.
Quigley Cable Rail is a Madison, WI-based company that supplies quality cable rail throughout the United States. We are happy to supply many options for your indoor and outdoor needs.
What began as a deck business grew in to a cable railing company because we were in need of a superb cable rail product which we had difficulty finding.
Why Stainless Steel?
stainless steel will outlast aluminum or composite railing by many years.
Our posts are only 1 1/2″ for increased visibility and the holes on the posts are smaller.
Stainless Steel Cable Railing is an investment that adds architectural appeal and solid value to your home. With many color options we can suit most homes architectural style.
Cable railing is ideal for decks, porches, lofts, stairs and marinas.
NOT Quigley Cable Rail
Notice the rust developing on this powder-coated steel post (notice the shiny silver stainless steel parts with no rust!)

Quigley Cable Rail
Rust free! And available in 3 colors!

Getting Started & Selecting Posts:

- Draw a sketch of your deck and measure each side that will have cable railing
- Corners must have 2 posts (one on each side), each measuring 3.5” from center of post to outside corner of deck.
- Posts must be no more than 4 feet apart. So measure each side (from corner post to corner post) and divide by 4 to determine how many inches you need in between each post and placement of line posts.
- To determine the length of cable needed, add the lengths of each side of the deck. If the total length is less then 50 feet, one set of end posts will be sufficient. If it’s more than 50 ft, you will need an extra set of end posts and you can decide which corner(s) to put them.